I'm a critic and a skeptic

Monday, November 8, 2010

Tonight it’s going to be completely random and nonsensical

I over think everything, my mind is always 10 steps ahead of everything else. I usually see the big picture before the outline has been started. I have no artistic talent whatsoever. I know what looks good and doesn’t but I’d never be able to create it. I rush through everything; I rarely take a moment to soak it in. I rarely plan anything. But when I do, it’s done with military precision and executed down to the second. This is my fifth attempt at a blog tonight and most these sentences will get reworked time and time again. I’ll most likely never work in the field I went to school for. I long for the open road. I could be a nomad and be completely happy with life. If I call you a friend, you can count on me to be there for you no matter what, just know I’ve got the legs. You will always know where you stand with me, I won’t sugarcoat things to protect your feelings, please don’t for me. I am not perfect; I have never thought I was. I am aware of most my flaws and rely on you to point out the rest. My words will cut like knives sometimes, just know that’s never my intent, I take no joy or pride in hurting people. When I have to be brutally honest, I can guarantee it hurts me more than you. I’ll sacrifice my happiness for others, for I get happiness seeing it in the ones I love. Although I’ve claimed to be an atheist, I’ve secretly prayed on occasion. As much as I love being single and alone, I am getting over it and want to settle down. I’m afraid that will never happen I’m a 29 year old divorced dad of two who has been vasectomized. Vasectomized isn’t a real word but I like it. I use lame 80’s catch phrases like radical and gnarly way too often. I watch way too many romantic comedies. I study CQC and combat self defense. I’ve sold every single piece of musical equipment I have ever owned. I have some seriously talented and famous friends. I have never wanted to be in the spotlight. I don’t like praise or recognition. Knowing I did a job well is enough for me. Most importantly I love every single one of you.


  1. Hands down the best blog yet. There's some soul here.

  2. Joshua.. Definitly the most amazing and honest you have ever been.. I am excited for whats to come in your life and Im glad I can be apart of it to watch it unfold.. I <3 you.. ;)
