I'm a critic and a skeptic

Monday, November 22, 2010

Throwing in the towel

I don’t know where to start. I think I am throwing in the towel on blogfest. I haven’t gotten what I was hoping to get out of it. I am not fit for this medium; I can’t open up and be honest. I read everyone’s blogs and I can get a glimpse of your soul in your writing. I go over mine and it’s just sterile and lifeless to me. I don’t believe I’ll ever be able to capture my honesty and soul in my own writing. Getting that vulnerable and honest is something I will ever be able to do. Thanks to all those who have stuck with me this far.


  1. This is really just an excuse to continue to be selfish and recluse.

  2. Just as an encouragement, one month really isn't enough time to learn to share you soul. Soul's are fragile things, and it takes a while to learn to share them with prying eyes.

    If you stick with it, awesome. If you don't awesome too, you made it 24 days in something new.
