I'm a critic and a skeptic

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Endless nights, bring on endless days.
We have to live with our mistakes.
Will we ever see our dreams again?
Will this dark night ever end?
These are the restless times..
..these are the sleepless nights.

Dead Hearts

pretty much sums me up, I need sleep

Monday, January 10, 2011

The State of My Generation Address

I am sickened and ashamed of my generation. I look at how far we have come as a civilization and scratch my head at how ignorant we truly are. My generation has every advantage and opportunity to do great things and we blow it watching Jersey Shore and other shit shows of the sort. It kind of makes sense that when given the chance to dumb down we take it. It’s easy. Getting involved and educated is hard work, and who wants to work for anything right? We want it all and we want it now, no work required. That’s the American way right?

My beef with these so called “reality” shows is that they are not reality. 99% of the populace doesn’t live that way, and if you think they do something is seriously wrong with you. There is some entertainment value, don’t get me wrong. Nothing about these shows should ever be looked to with any seriousness. Watch these shows if you want, just don’t let them consume your life. I know every single one of my friends is a lot more interesting than anyone on Jersey Shore, or any of the Kardashians. If you ever think any of these people are better or have it better than you, get help right away.

It just breaks my heart that I hear people talking about these shows instead of relevant current events. The world is an ugly/beautiful place. The things that happen can be truly great and absolutely horrible but they need to be talked about. I was saddened and disappointed to see that Jersey Shore and The Bachelor were talked about almost at a 10-1 ratio the past two days compared to the tragedy in AZ. It might be ugly but it’s better than the trivial.

*I have never watched a full episode of any of these reality shows. I most likely won’t ever watch them either.