I'm a critic and a skeptic

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Tonight's workout

I'm toying with the idea of making a separate blog just for my fitness stuff, but for now this one will have to do. Tonight I started my workout with a tractor tire flip. I flipped the tire jumped in the middle jump out flip it back over and repeat that 10 times. After that I took my 20lb kettle bell and did a nice little circuit, one handed kettlebell swings 10 each side, 20 curls, 20 french press, 20 bent over rows each side, 20 don't know what they are called but I lifted the kettlebell straight up to my chin, I then laid the kettlebell on the ground and gripped it and did 20 push ups followed by 20 mountain climbers each side. After that circuit I did 10 minutes on my punching bag. I repeated this 3 times then did 1.5 mile run. I got back from my run and did the tire flip 10 times followed by 10 box jumps onto the tire. I did that three times. I feel good.

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