I'm a critic and a skeptic

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Thursday and Saturdays fitness updates

Thursday after work me and some co-workers went hiking. We started off at this little trail called Rocky Mouth and it was about .70 miles round trip, really weak. After that we decided we were gonna do what they call the "Hill of Hell". That one was about 1.7 miles round trip and the whole way up is pure incline, it never levels out. It's an old jeep trail for the watershed, technically we were trespassing since we had to jump a couple fences to access it. It leveled me, maybe it was the heat or the backpack with 32lbs(I weighed it when I got home) of crap in it. I was determined to make it to the top of this thing, it took me 21 minutes but I did it. The guys from work run up this thing, I hope to get there by the end of summer.

Saturday me and Chris worked out at the park across the street from his house. We started off with an overhead reverse tire throw, basically like a kettlebell swing but launch it behind you. We then ran after it and did it again. We did that for about 100 yards. Immediately following that we took off for a 1/4 lap and made our way back to the tire. Did the tire throw back across the field. Once we reached the other side we did what I call the grinder. Take two dumbbells do a burpee into a curl into a squat into a neutral chest press and repeat 10 times. After that we did 10 roll ups, 10 squats, 10 split jump lunges each side and 10 hip extensions each side. We did 3 rounds of this workout followed by a 1/4 mile run to end the workout.

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