In a previous blog I wrote about having a plan for an armed intruder and getting the necessary training. This is a follow up to that blog.
If you are going to arm yourself, you need to ask yourself some serious questions. Can I kill someone if my life is being threatened? Can I live with the aftermath of my actions? What if the threat is a kid, what do you do then?
I’ve already set my conditions for defense and they are what I can live with, not many will feel the same way. I won’t give away every detail of my plan for safety reasons but it goes something like this.
I hear a window break or door being opened when I know it shouldn’t be. I hear crashing and stuff being broken. I awake and take a second to orient myself. My cell phone is always next to my bed. I grab it and dial 911; next I grab my handgun and flashlight. I take a predetermined defensive position and I announce I have called the cops and I am armed. The intruders at this point should leave, if they are smart. Stay on the phone with the operator. Give them as much detail as possible. Tell them where you are at, what you’re wearing and most importantly that you are armed and trained. Never go out and look for the trouble. Do what you have to do to secure your family but don’t confront the intruders. Give the operator a safe word to give the responding officers. So when the officers come in and clear the house and they approach your location they can call out and you know it’s the police and you put the gun down and move away from it with your hands visible. Be prepared to be searched and cuffed, this is for the officers safety until your identity has been verified. At this point you give the officers the info they need and you try to go about your night.
Now let’s say you announce and the intruder(s) make their way towards you. Announce again you have a gun and will shoot to defend yourself. Now I have determined for me if I am drawn on someone and they still come towards me I am shooting to stop the threat, regardless of who or what they are. If the person retreats and turns and leaves let them, shooting someone in the back is not justified. They were leaving and no longer a threat to you. Now if they comeback with a knife or bat then you are justified. After you’ve shot your intruder tell the operator to send an ambulance with the cops, never say they are dead or that you killed anyone.
Try to stay calm, when the cops show up DO NOT have your gun in hand, make sure you have holstered it or put it out of the way. Always keep your hands visible; cops responding to shootings have no idea who the shooter was. After they determine who you are, be prepared for the questions. Me personally I will tell the officers, that’s the gun I used there are the casings from the shots, I fired (X) times. My lawyer and I will make an apt to come in and answer any questions. Remember “what you say can AND will be used against you”. Just to cover your own ass, never answer any questions. Lawyer up immediately, they will hate this and see it as a sign of guilt, but your lawyer will keep you from saying something that could come back and bite you.
All charges have been dropped, it was ruled a justified homicide, or self defense shooting. All is great right? It could still get bad for you. In a lot of states the family could try and sue you in a civil court for a wrongful death. This could go on for years. Could you live with that? The outcome is never guaranteed just because you were cleared by the cops.
A lot of thought goes into whether or not you could pull the trigger. When it comes down to it, I’m protecting myself and my family regardless of what consequences might come my way. I’d sleep better at night knowing I did all that I could.