I'm a critic and a skeptic

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Are you prepared

I am what some people would call paranoid. These are also the same people who believe cops are there to protect them, and nothing bad could ever happen to them. Don’t get me wrong, I love cops and the job that they do. I have had the privilege of working closely with many cops in various functions. I also know the limitations of the local law enforcement officer or LEO as I will call them throughout this post. I will break down an officers job and how I have prepared myself, and how I think you should prepare yourself.

A LEO’s primary job is to enforce laws, be it traffic or civil. A LEO shows up to where he is dispatched to go. Contrary to popular belief, LEO’s don’t have a 6th sense that allows them to feel where trouble might be happening. It’s all about being in the right place at the right time. You will routinely hear an officer say he was “lucky” to be there when he was. An officers “beat” or AO is usually a 2.5- 5 square mile area. That doesn’t sound like much, but when you factor in neighborhoods it turns into a lot of ground to be responsible for. LEO’s cannot be everywhere all the time.

Your safety and the safety of your loved ones is yours and yours alone. I hate to use the clichéd expression but when seconds count help is minutes away. I believe every outstanding citizen should be a gun owner. Get training first, get comfortable handling a weapon then buy a weapon for self defense. Buying a gun is not just enough; once you purchase it get training with it. Learn everything you can about it. Get training in low light conditions, most home invasions occur at night. Learn how to do emergency and tactical reloads. Learn how to clear all three levels of malfunctions. What would you do if one of your arms is injured? Practice one handed reloads. Practice for every scenario you can think of.

Part of your training should be response training. Get everyone involved, set clear cut rules for what to do, where to meet, who is responsible for calling the police and securing the children, who will defend the family against an attack. How will you get out of the house if you need to escape? Where do you go once out of the house? Your backups need backups as well.

If an armed intruder breaks into your home, do you have the means to defend yourself? Will the responding LEO be investigating your murder or sexual assault? Or will he be investigating your justified homicide on an armed intruder? I would rather be on the latter. Do you want to take the chance on not being a responsible armed citizen?


  1. Based off of your experience interacting with law enforcement, what things do you think people should be worried about as far as killing or critically injuring someone who breaks into their house? Are you justified in shooting to kill any stranger who breaks into your house in the middle of the night? Will the law work for you or against you in these cases? Is there some sort of mental checklist you should go for before pulling the trigger? I've always wanted to know more about that side of things.

  2. Great questions, a follow up blog will be posted.
