I'm a critic and a skeptic

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Being old (somewhat anyway) and Straightedge

I am approaching 30. I am straightedge. I have been for almost half my life now. As I get older I question the need for the label. I know who I am. I know what I believe regardless of my label. I’m at the age where I don’t really have to explain to anyone why I don’t drink. When I was in my early 20’s I was always asked “why don’t you drink?” and I would tell them I was straightedge and explain it. Now if someone asks I say no and it’s left at that. I don’t find myself telling people or explaining it to anyone. I kind of miss explaining it to people, there is some pride involved with it.

“I Stand Alone” is a tattoo I have. It still holds true to me. I was always straightedge for myself and no one else. There is always going to be a “straightedge scene” that I will most likely never belong to. When people come and go I’ll be doing my own thing. Almost none of my friends are straightedge. Like I said, it’s MY choice, a conviction I chose for myself.

As I got older the “pressure” to fit in almost became non-existent. I can go to bars and clubs with my friends and not have drinks handed to me trying to get me to drink with them. Mostly I think it’s because they now rely on me to be the DD when we go out so they want me to stay straightedge for that reason alone. I hate saying this about my friends, but watching them get trashed makes my decision that much easier. I don’t think I am better than anyone by any means and I mean no disrespect to any of my friends when I say that.

When it’s all said and done, I am still proud to be straightedge. When I sit down and think about it I get the same pride I get when I talk about my kids.

“To this I am forever true, I am STRAIGHTEDGE”


  1. Dude, truthfully I miss ring straightedge. I miss the pride of association and the brotherhood that came with it. Parts of it were a bummer, but the elitism that some promoted came with the label.
    I'm truly thankful for having been straightedge I'm high school and (yes, like the stereotype) until I was 21

  2. You were one of the reasons I didn't dump the label in high school after seeing the elitism with it.
