I'm a critic and a skeptic

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Well today starts another month of blogging. I usually blog at night after I have composed my thoughts and ideas. These thoughts and ideas usually get strung together in a way that usually only makes sense in my head. I had some really good ideas for a blog tonight but now all I can think of is the death of Osama Bin Laden. I hate to start the month off with what amounts to basically a cop out blog, but I think I have a good excuse tonight. I am very thankful to our armed services, congrats on a job well done.

Tomorrow I will have a "real" blog.


  1. Dude, it's nearing the end of the day for me and I haven't gotten anything *real* - I want to write about Osama/Obama, but I'm getting nowhere.

    I'm truly glad you're crazy enough to join us in this man.

  2. Thanks man, it means a lot to hear that. You know how hard it is for me to do these things.
