"When you stop agonizing over every word, you're free to actually mean them." - Sean Durham (as far as I know)
I probably interpreted this as something completely different than he meant it to be. When he tweeted this quote I was struggling with writing a letter to my father. I managed to get my letter written, maybe I will get it mailed sometime this year. I really want to repair my relationship with him. I know my father, he is quite possibly the most stubborn guy on the planet. He went as far as too change his phone number after the last time we talked. I don't know what would hurt most, mailing it and never hearing back or having it returned to sender. I can honestly admit that both of those will kill me. This among other things has me all twisted up these past couple of weeks. I just wish I wasn't so damn stubborn as well. My foolish pride is getting the best of me.